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Playing carefree like every kid under the watchful eyes, I grew up listening to the stories of the far away Himalayan mountains and how the abominable snowman would take me away if I weren't on my best behavior.


Over a decade later when I first stepped foot in the landlocked nation of Nepal this summer, a sense of deja vù swept across as I reminisced about the stories of the mystical land of Himalayas I grew up listening during my childhood.


I have physically left the friendly nation now but my heart feels left behind. 

Khumjung, a tiny Himalayan village not too far away from the Sherpa capital of Namche Bazaar is where the project set off on flight. Nawang Karsang Sherpa, Mt. Everest Summiteer and a fellow patron of the local Khumjung School, his words of brilliance and profound knowledge was the precursor to Touchdown. 


Raised in a parliamentary democratic land, I am vocal to speak my mind even when it falls too far away from the bell curve of the Gaussian distribution of opinions. My camera akin to my personal self is a true personification of my ideals.


Vaguely recalling the article I read online, education is sure to crack fear in the hearts of the oppressors and uplift the oppressed. 


Touchdown is my means to raise awareness and supporting the cause to make education accessible to all in the Himalayan highlands.

© Touchdown by Sangeeth Sagar

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